Junior Kudra
Junior Kudra in Schools is a leadership development programme which KIND offers in some secondary schools in Lagos State. The Kudra Girls going through the training are between 10 to 16 years of age. KIND develops their capacities in the areas of Leadership skills, Financial Management, Emotional Intelligence and Advocacy. After the training the girls form Kudra clubs so as to deepen their understanding of the concepts they were taught, practice what they have learnt, work together to create more awareness of girls’ rights in their community, and foster the sustainability of the programme.
350 pupils have benefitted from this programme since it began in 2006. Besides this training programme, during the year we secured a fund from UNICEF to document the features of the Junior Kudra Programme. Our goal in documenting Junior Kudra is to create a model for other organizations that may want to replicate and thereby expand its benefits to other children.
Recommendation from UN Secretariat:
The Junior Kudra Girls Education Initiative is “a unique community network approach that is very organic … the program is not just about putting in money and getting something out of it, but about the wholesome “non-linear” approach that build something for the community”
From the Program Consultant:
“Junior Kudra program has a very innovative approach, which is what drew me to your organization a few years ago. It is like none other I have seen. I am glad the program will get more international visibility through the United Nations Girls Education Initiatives (UNGEI) funding. I strongly believe the program will flourish under your excellent leadership”